A Few Moments・Youth Hub x Tang Kwok-hin: Wander

07 Mar, 2024

“ Gathering is a moment of intimacy, without distinctions of guests and hosts. All are relatively equal. ”

A Few Moments・Youth Hub was previously Kam Kwong kindergarten, attended by many present-day elders when they were little. Later, it became a Nepalese church. Eight years ago, the church teamed up with a non-profit organisation to make the space available to the neighbours. Now the refurbished yellow house is a place of worship on Sundays. On other days, it is open to the public as a youth centre and community space.

Mixed media artist Tang Kwok-hin lives in a walled village. In recent years, he has also opened doors for gatherings of people from all walks of life. On this occasion, he creates a site-specific interactive installation next door and invites guests over to reflect on the contemporary meaning of “dining together.”

* Click here to view the video if there are problems with how it is displayed.

^ Wander: Installation & An Evening at 1983—Firewood, Instant Food, Spotlight Highlights


" On one hand I am still making contemporary art. On the other, I am creating gaps, moments and dialogues for people to get together. Many think that the later has become an important part of my art. To me, whether this is art or not is not important. We complain about alienation and the impossibility to control our lives. We celebrate the highlights of art, but are not willing to take transformative actions nor practice in real life. After all, this is very very basic. " —Tang Kwok-hin


In such a way, the "installation" at A Few Moments・Youth Hub is an actual table for people to gather and hold onto what has to be remembered against oblivion.

Ins such a way, at 1983, like everyone else striving in the whole project, Brian tirelessly did his turns. The civilisation might be at a point of collapse, but he stands tall with raised arms.


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Hong Kong African Association x Yip Kai-chun: in the village lies a continent

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